Curriculum and Instruction

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Program Reviews

Well, it looks like we are going to have to do a complete program review of C&I over the next 18 months. Our last review was in 2000. We had three simultaneous reviews scheduled (Teacher Certification Programs, PhD Program, and Overall Division Review), due Spring '07, but luckily, the administration wants us to combine review of the PhD program and the overall review of the Division.

I am looking through all the materials right now and will present our task at the next faculty meeting and open it up for discussion.

I don't think we will have any problems demonstrating our quality overall, but I would like to use the opportunity to be self-critical and improve our programs using the data we gather as evidence. I just got back from the University of Maryland, where I chaired an external review committee. I found the experience enlightening, and see us on par with their excellent programs.

Because these are BIG reviews, we will have to have a larger task force assigned to produce the review documents. I will consult with the faculty and the Steering Committee before making recommendations to the Vice Provost's Office.


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